Cutting Public Communication Down Avenue of the Americas (New York, 2016-2018)

Lech Szporer, Cutting Public Communication Down Avenue of the Americas, 2019, Madrid, Spain, sculpture/readymade, 60” x 72” x 4”

Cutting Public Communication Down Avenue of the Americas (New York, 2017-2018)

In 1945, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia renamed 6th Avenue in Manhattan, New York, as “Avenue of the Americas” to connote western hemispheric harmony between North and South America, and to honor immigrants from across the two continents who flocked to New York. These days appreciation for immigration seems a relic of the past, esp. considering how building a wall at the southern border of the United States became the rallying cry for the Republican party during the 2016 elections.

Over the course of a year, from 2017-2018, 5 payphones were cut and removed from 5 payphone booths running down the length of Avenue of the Americas.

Lech Szporer, Cutting Public Communication Down Avenue of the Americas Map, 2019, Madrid, Spain, pen and ink map drawing, 22”x 14”

Lech Szporer, No ___king Fence, Washngton DC, 2017, sculpture.